Nana: Portrait of the Artist’s Great-Grandmother as a Little Girl | Oil on Canvas | 16” x 20” oval | $250

Nana: Portrait of the Artist’s
Great-Grandmother as a Little Girl

Oil on Canvas, 16” x 20” oval, 2008 $250
This painting was done from a photo of my great-grandmother, Louise Rosa, when she was a small child, about 2 years old, I believe. It is done in a sepia tone to give it a feeling of warmth and nostalgia, to reflect how I feel when I think about my nana. My great-grandmother was a warm, kind, jolly and caring woman who doted on me as a small child, and to whom I have been told I gave great laughter and delight. I like to think that her spirit has often been with me and watched over me, and guiding me even as I painted this portrait of her.

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